Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Does Desmond Know Something?

Why does Desmond suggest to Jack that he might have
fixed Sarah? Does Desmond remember his encounter
with Jack in the jungle and know that Jack did fix Sarah
the way he remembers Charlie on the London street corner?
Is it merely the endorphins talking? Is it a fallback to
looking for an opportunity to evangelize Jack that he might
have learned from his time with the monks? Is he
prodding for a spiritual opening with the "lift it up" advice?

And when did Desmond have time to almost be a doctor?
Was it in this life? Another? I am ready for time on this
show to start to straighten itself out!


  1. I wonder if time can ever be straightened out on this series. Since there is almost certainly some kind of spacetime distortion/time loop/alternate timeline thing happening, I wonder if it's possible that time can ever really make sense on this show.

    Your Desmond idea is superb. Maybe he really was intervening, in a course-correcting kind of way. (I'd like to add that I don't believe Sarah's miracle is a coincidence. I think whatever is happening with her is what happened to Locke. Along with Peter Thompson from TLE, this makes two off-island healings that reflect two on-island healings). One really important, super big, giganto question is: What happened to Desmond after he was hit by the cricket bat? Desmond's consciousness refocused to that of 2004, but 1996 Desmond still must have woken up after being knocked out. Did that Desmond continue to change things? Did he still try to get back together with Penny? Did he accept his fate and make conscious decisions about coming to the island?

    As for Des being a doctor, I guess he must've studied when he was very young. This season, we saw he knew about CPR and taping up sprained ankles (like he did with Jack in the season two premiere), so it does seem like he's telling the truth in that regard.

  2. Memphish,

    This is one of the biggest mysteries in my book. It would appear that Des does indeed know what would happen to Sarah, and now I totally get the "see you in another life" saying.

    paa - I agree w/you about Sarah's miracle NOT being a coincidence, or even because of Jack's skills - this is part of the journey they all took to end up on the island.

  3. Good questions Memphish.I have always been curious about the way Dez spoke to Jack here. And I still don't know what to think. :-p

    I guess you're right PAA, in the end some time things may just have to be lumped into a "that happened over there on the loop" kind of category, never to be actually visited in depth. Which may not be necessary for some Qs, except for where they may fall into our own personal dossier of must-be-answered topics, heheh.

  4. BTW, what about Rachel's cancer healing, do we count that as an off-island healing as well with Sarah's and Peter's?

  5. It occurs to me that Desmond's encounter on and off Island with Jack is the reverse of that with Charlie.

    With Jack, they meet off Island and Desmond recalls it on Island. With Charlie Desmond recalls off Island his encounter with Charlie on Island. I'm not sure where to go next with that idea, but unlike Billy Sunday in Slaughterhouse 5 or the Time Traveler in The Time Traveler's Wife Desmond doesn't seem to be able to see all time at any given time. It makes me want to perform an experiment with him where I whack him in the head and see what he remembers/sees each time. :-D

    Capcom, I still think Ben was lying about Rachel's cancer recurrence and its cure. Never believe Ben.

  6. Oh poopies. I keep forgetting that we can't believe Ben! But what about the TV footage, do we think that was just some film of Rachel when she was a kindergarten teacher? :o)

  7. That video was shown to Juliet 2+ years later Capcom. Ben showed her Rachel's alleged chart indicating a return of the cancer (and that Rachel was a man) after Juliet had been on-Island 6 months. 2 1/2 years later, the day 815 crashed he showed her Rachel and Julian in the park. I don't think the cancer came back while Rachel was pregnant as Ben implied at 6 months, but that the pregnancy went as planned at 2 1/2 years later you've got kiddo and healthy mom.

  8. That scene has ALWAYS seemed fishy to me. I think I have watched that particular scene 30 some times LOOKING for something I missed. hahaha It just seems very strange.


  9. Ben lies.

    Has anybody else thought that the woman in the flashforward could be Rachel and her son?

  10. PGTB, That theory about Rachel and son has been around, but I don't buy it. First, Rachel would have had to move from Miami to LA, not unheard of, but why move? But more importantly, I don't think that being Rachel would do anything to advance the story. Jack saved her, but but for his suicide attempt she wouldn't have crashed in the first place. The way it was left with the new chief of surgery knowing that information made it extremely awkward at best between them. Additional interaction between Jack and the crash victim seems very unlikely to me.

  11. Oh well, I guess I'm too much like Mulder...I want to believe. :-)

  12. Memphish,

    While I agree Rachel's cancer returning and being healed is very possibly a con by Ben, I'm hesitant to completely dismiss it. If Sarah can walk again and snarky little Pete Thompson can have his cancer go away, then Rachel being healed is still plausible. And if we find out Ben wasn't lying, this just might give him some real credibility as a character.

  13. Hey Memphish-
    I love this topic! I don't have any answers, but as usual a great question!
    Nice to get a chance to breeze in!
    Hope you are well!
