Monday, September 10, 2007

My Favorite Appearance of
The Numbers

This is definitely my favorite appearance of the numbers
followed closely by their appearance on Hurley's dashboard
on his way to the airport.

Here's a question: Why wasn't millionaire Hurley flying
in First Class or at least Business Class?


  1. Interesting. Maybe because Hurley was at that point still his old humble Hurley self? I dunno. You'd also think that perhaps his accountant or assistant would have booked the flight for him. Maybe it was becuase he was not supposed to be on the plane and the only spot they could get him was the cheaps seats?

    And why DID the ticket attendant say that he wasn't supposed to be on this flight? Was he not supposed to be on the island? That whole thing puts a lot of sand in the gears of some of our theories, which is not very helpful! :-)

  2. Let's see...if Hurley weren't on the plane,

    Would anyone know the numbers were bad?

    Would there have been a census that exposed Ethan?

    Would Libby be alive? She was killed in the hatch while getting blankets for her and Hurley's picnic.

    Would anyone have gotten the Dharma van started?

    Probably most important: would anyone remember who was Steve and who was Scott?
