Monday, November 19, 2007

Benry Confuses the H*&# Out Of Me!

I shouldn't believe anything he says right? In the last few episodes "Henry Gale" is being kept in the Swan this man in his torn orange shirt confuses Locke and me too.

In SOS he tells Jack that "they'll never give you Walt." But at the same time Mrs. Klugh is making that exact deal for Walt with Michael. Granted they get Kate, Sawyer and Jack in the deal as well, so I guess they did indeed get the better deal. Nevertheless they did give up Walt, even if they didn't give him to Jack.

This line continues in Two For the Road when the fake Henry Gale tells Locke after he's tried to kill Ana Lucia for killing two Others who were "leaving her alone" (huh?) that:

I'm dead anyway. Doctor's gone to make a trade and we both know hell come back empty handed and then I've lost my value. So either Jack comes back and kills me or my people find out where I'm being held and they do it. . . . Because the man in charge... he's a great man, John... a brilliant man... but he is not a forgiving man. He'll kill me because I failed, John. I failed my mission.

Now first off, Ben is clearly delusional (like Tom in Season 3) if he thinks Ana was unjustified in killing 2 Others who raided and infiltrated their ranks in order to kidnap people. Then again this is a man who managed to justify in his own mind personally gassing his father.

But what about this "I'm already dead" talk? He said something similar to Ana before he drew her the map to the balloon. Is this a true reflection of The Others justice system which seems to have little leeway for failure? I guess not because it seems clear that Ben's mission, whatever it was, did indeed fail and he wasn't killed by any "great man."

So why is he painting this picture of his society for Locke? I can't figure out why he would both try to keep Locke from pushing the button and sell his society as being insanely unreasonable and place where failure is punished with death if he was "coming for him." Knowing what we know now about Locke's threat to Ben's position why wouldn't Ben try to convince Locke to keep pushing the button in the Swan for the rest of his life? Because The Others were clearly monitoring The Swan and would have heard him doing that to the man whose legs were restored?

Sorry for all the rambling, but trying to put together what we know about the Others given the evil mastermind that is Ben drives me in circles.


  1. Ditto what you said!

    I still think that Ben is walking on shaky ground with Jacob, because he seemed to be acting just as scared talking to Locke after his operation, as he was in the Swan (even tho I think that some of his "fear" in the Swan was fake). And I think that up to the S3 finale, there was a lot for Ben to get fixed right away concerning the island, or he would have run out of excuses with Jacob. I can imagine Ben asking Jacob for more time and chances to get things right. He seemed to be like a very nervous man on a failing mission, which I think is why his scheming skills were not up to par in his last few moves.

  2. Every time I watch those episodes I become extremely confused with Ben as well. I don't understand what he is saying and I can't put it together at all with what has happened now.

    I could say maybe time travel...I could say maybe a continuity error...I could say maybe we just don't have the entire story yet. All could be true...I don't know.


  3. Every time I watch those episodes I become extremely confused with Ben as well. I don't understand what he is saying and I can't put it together at all with what has happened now.

    I could say maybe time travel...I could say maybe a continuity error...I could say maybe we just don't have the entire story yet. All could be true...I don't know.


  4. I adore Ben! He is a brilliant character. You never know when he is lying or telling the truth. He chooses his words wisely. I just love him.

    About the mission what if he didn't fail. Back in another post you talked about how the hatch could be blocking Jacob/the island from talking to Locke. What if he had to get Locke out of there. Make Locke stop pushing the button so that he could commune with the island again.
