Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Charlotte Speculation

Credit this post to a comment made by Twinkle over at The Lost Community, and her curiosity about Charlotte. There's No Place Like Home gives us two clues to Charlotte's story. First Miles says she worked a long time to get back to the Island. Then she tells Daniel she's looking for where she was born.

The idea that Charlotte was born on the Island is the most intriguing idea to me. Does this mean she was conceived off the Island, say on a DI Senior trip to Cancun? Or is it the case that at some point in the DI's history women could safely conceive and give birth on the Island? And if it's B, what changed things? I suppose it could also be option C, conceived on Island, born off like Ji Yeon.

I'm not a giant fan of the various theories linking Charlotte to Annie primarily because it's going to require me to suspend disbelief about time once again. Charlotte being Annie is the least likely to me since in that case she should be as old as Ben absent some giant time issue which has yet to materialize despite incessant internet theorizing. I'm more inclined to accept Charlotte is Ben and Annie's daughter although that makes the Senior Trip theory most likely. And as Twinkle pointed out it makes the idea that Ben was so gung ho to raise Alex more explicable. The fact that Ben would shoot Charlotte doesn't bother me. Ben's recitation of Charlotte's CV sounded like her googled up life story, not one Ben knew himself. But I think I'd prefer her to be a Goodspeed or some other child of the DI. Maybe Annie's little sister. Timewise that theory works best for me.


Twinkle said...

Ooooh! Annie's little sister! I like that!

Twinkle said...

One more thing - If Charlotte is Annie's daughter, if Annie was 11-13 in the episode "Man Behind the Curtain" which takes place in approx 1966-1967 (see Lostpedia timeline), and if Charlotte was born in 1969 as her bio says, then Annie was a teenager when Charlotte was born.

That's why if Charlotte is Annie's daughter there likely was a scandal surrounding her birth in a small community like DI. But Charlotte being Annie's sister is a nice scenario too.

I agree that Ben believes Charlotte's bio and doesn't question the official story of her birth. There's no way he would shoot her if he knew she was related to Annie.

Capcom said...

Good post and food for thought. :-)

Ezra James Sharkington said...

I don’t think that Charlotte is just a random DI child or Annie herself. Like you were saying the time line doesn’t line up for her to be Ben’s Annie. I gave random DI child some thought but think this is too much of a perfect opportunity to tie Annie into the show other than just as Ben’s childhood sweetheart. All I know is I am really hoping Charlotte’s back story is going to blow Ben’s mind (if he ever finds out) and ours in a ridiculous way.

Capcom said...

That is a great alternative EJS!

maven said...

There are definitely a lot of holes in the Charlotte as Annie time line. And the Charlotte as Ben and Annie's daughter doesn't quite jive either. The random DI daughter could make sense. But, like ejs said, tying Charlotte in with someone we know already would really pay off.

memphish said...

I'm trying to decide who we could tie her in with. We haven't seen any DI people with British accents, so was she "raised by another?" And if so, who took her to the Lewis family? That I suppose could be any DI or Hostile we've seen.

Ezra James Sharkington said...

Maybe she was raised by another? Perhaps Ben got Annie pregnant and like Sun they got Annie off the island in time. Ben couldn't go with them of course so he stayed behind to continue to rule and waited for them to come back. Annie never did come back because she died anyways and Charlotte was raised by someone British. Ms. Hawking maybe lol? It would explain why Ben felt the need to steal Alex. I just want to see Ms. Hawking again :)