Friday, January 11, 2008

Sis and Bro -- When Will They Learn?

Rumor has it that Jack and Claire will learn they are half-siblings. Do you think it will be on Island via Juilet or Ben or off Island say via Aunt Lindsey?


lost2010 said...

I can just see Katie Couric or somebody shoving a microphone into Jack's face and asking how it felt to be stranded on an island with his half-sister. Or maybe vice-versa.

Capcom said...

Right, Lost2010, the great mindless journalist did it feel. :o)

Trevor McFur said...

I'd be a little disappointed if it was an off-island discovery (I say that now, not knowing how the off-island stuff is going to progress). It raises a bigger question for me ... are we ever gonna get an explanation of why there's all of these interconnections between the Losties?

maven said...

Well, it might be on-island with Juliet. Doesn't she have blood samples from both Jack and Claire?

Ange said...

Maybe Jack and Claire will have a "conversation" at some point and they will put two and two together. Although I guess that would maybe have to happen off the island unless they do it while dodging bullets and getting taken to the ship?

Melissa_Lossa said...

If Juliet has this huge dossier on Jack (and presumably many of the other Losties), shouldn't she already know this? It shouldn't be too hard to trace Christian, unless he's not listed as Claire's father on her birth certificate.

Capcom said...

What's that Ange? Someone on the island having a real conversation???? Heheh.

Good point about the apparent extensive dossier info. Maybe Juliet does know already. Hmmm.